Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation is a French public operator (Public Interest Group) responsible for implementing the Erasmus+ European programme for the French education and training sectors.
Agence Erasmus + France / Education Training is a public interest group (PIG) placed under the administrative authority of the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Ministry of Labour.
It ensures the promotion, implementation, and management of the Erasmus + programme. In this capacity, it manages strategies and action plans within the framework of an annual programme of action validated by the responsible ministries and the European Commission. These include:
The Agency has also been chosen by the European Commission as the national coordinator of the European agenda for adult education and training (AEFA), and the national support service for the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE). It is also in charge of the national team of ECVET experts (the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) and is a National Europass Centre.
The Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation’s objectives are in line with European and national priorities in the field of education, training and professional integration.