Like France, national agencies have been set up in each participating country to manage the Erasmus+ programme.
National agencies are responsible for promoting the Erasmus+ programme, managing all stages of the programme’s life cycle, and efficiently processing results of activities (EU regulation no. 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and Council of 11 December 2013 establishing “Erasmus +”: the EU programme for education, training and youth, articles 28, 22).
Their fields of intervention vary from one country to the next: in France, Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation, based in Bordeaux, manages the Erasmus + programme for the education and training sectors (95% of Erasmus+ funds are managed nationally) while Agence Erasmus+ France / Jeunesse & Sport in Paris is in charge of the “Youth” section (5% of decentralised funds), as well as the European Solidarity Corps.
A list of national Erasmus+ agencies is available on the European Commission website.
National offices have also been set up in partner countries which do not directly participate in the Erasmus+ programme, including those located in the western Balkans, Africa, central Asia and Russia, for example. A full list is available on the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency website.
Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation actively takes part in discussions with its European counterparts.
It is involved in initiatives and coordinates #ErasmusDays with Erasmus+ national agencies (53 participating countries in 2019). It is involved in transnational activities funded by the European Commission (Transnational Cooperation Activities) and informal talks with agency directors (Mednet and general networks). It actively takes part in working groups led by the European Commission to develop the programme and optimise its implementation.
It organises an annual international conference, in a regional council, in partnership with one or several European agencies. Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation encourages its employees to undertake shadowing in Bordeaux or in the departments of other Erasmus+ agencies for the purpose of exchanging good, targeted professional practices.
Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation has been appointed by the French authorities to ensure the implementation and management of the EPALE France platform. Working in collaboration with 37 other EPALE National Support Services, Agence Erasmus+ France contributes to this platform, which aims to create a network of European professionals in the adult education sector.